4 weeks ago Phil and I welcomed our beautiful little girl Mia Rose Jean Melanson. She was born Nov. 10, 2011 in Collingwood at 10:52pm weighing 8lbs. 9oz. I have tried to write a blog since she was born but as all new moms know there isn't too much down time in the beginning but I think we have found our groove now and she is giving me a bit more time to do a few things each day.

I had to have an emergency c-section when she was born because her heart rate was dropping and she just wasn't handling the contractions very well. I started contractions at around 8am that day but they were pretty manageable. Once my water broke things went from about a 5-10 pretty quickly and once we got to the hospital I thought Phil was going to have to carry me in. I was really only in "hard labour" for a half hour before I was told I needed a c-section. Someone asked me if I was disappointed I didn't get to deliver naturally, my answer was not at all. I know what hard contractions feel like and that was enough for me. Some people may judge that but as long as she arrived safely and was healthy that's all that mattered to me. I was very lucky with my recovery after the c-section which I think says alot about my doctor and the team that took care of me. I was on my feet the next day walking around the hospital, slowly of course, but I feel great after just 4 weeks.
Mia is an amazing little wonder. We picked her name when we first found out we were pregnant but we were both sure we were having a boy so when they said "it's a girl" we wanted to sit on the name a bit because we had a few more that we liked but we went with our original choice. Rose is Phil's mom and Jean is my mom, who were both there in the waiting room when she was born. The plan was for them to be in the delivery room and that's the only reason I wish it had not been a c-section because I know they were both excited to be a part of it. But they held her just minutes after she was born and came every day to the hospital to help and let Phil go home and sleep.

It is amazing how much a baby changes everyday. Mia weighs 10lbs, 12 oz now so she is growing quickly! She smiles alot and is starting to look around at the lights and definately knows our voices. She is a great baby during the day, just eats and chills out takes a few naps, however around 7pm she starts the fussy time until she goes to bed. We are still trying to get her clock turned around. When I was pregnant most of her movement was from 7-1am and she is still the same.
The sweetest thing for both Phil and I is to see our dads with her. They love their little grandaughter.
Grandpa Henderson |
Grandpappy Melanson |
I caved today and gave her a soother. She started to discover her thumb and while she would suck it she would be scratching her eyes with the other fingers. I also didn't want her to get into the habit of sucking the thumb so I went with the soother. It's an wonderful little thing that makes everything better. I don't know why I feel guilty for giving it to her because it's a natural instict for a baby to want to suckle to sooth themselves and when we first brought her home we mistook that need for her being hungry which is probably why she is almost 11 lbs now! But it makes her happy and make the evenings a bit easier for everyone. I just don't want it to be a crutch and let her have it all the time which is why I was afraid to introduce it at all.
First play date with Kyler Martin
She is our miracle and we are loving every day with her. She has her daddy wrapped around her little finger and I am so lucky that Phil helps so much which gives me a break once in awhile. I hope to blog more often and always keep updated with pictures.
4 weeks old