In our couple's devotions this week the writer was talking about going back to a place of love. Reminding yourself of the time you fell in love with your spouse or a particularly loving time in your relationship that sticks out. Most people i'm sure think back to their wedding day because love was just oozing that day! It was the first thing that came to my mind but one moment in particular which was my first dance with my husband.
We had tossed around many ideas for what song to dance to and I didn't want to pick something that everyone dances to at their wedding, I wanted something unique. So my husband asked if he could pick the song and surprise me. For a control freak like me it was a hard thing to do but I trusted he would pick us a great song. Some friends had played this song called "Cause I Get to Love You" by a singer from Toronto named Bryan Weirmier. I LOVED the song, it had to be our song. My husband said he didn't like it he wanted something else. I was clearly upset but I was trying to learn about compromise here. So I let it go, little did I know what my husband was planning.

Our wedding day arrives and time for the big dance. The music starts and right away I recognized the song "Cause I Get to Love You". I thought, "how sweet he caved and played the song". Then the song started to skip, my worst nightmare come true and our big moment ruined. I was starting to get mad and shooting death glares over at our sound guy. Phil and I stopped dancing for a moment as we tried to figure things out and then all of a sudden there is a guy at the keyboard who starts playing and it's the same song "Cause I Get to Love You" and it's the singer/songwriter Bryan Weirmier. For me it was instant tears - tears of joy of course. That was a moment of love for me. I couldn't believe this man loved me as much as he did. He went to all that work to surpise me and actually bring the singer to perform at our wedding - how often does that happen? It wasn't just a first dance or a song, it was a moment for us.
I gave a speech at another wedding recently and told the couple that on this day you think you could never love this person more than you do right now, but it only gets better and it's true what i've heard throughout the years, you love them more and more each day.
I couldn't write this blog without sharing Bryan's song with you too. "Cause I Get to Love You"
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