One of my guilty pleasure TV shows is the "Real Housewives" franchise, specifically New York. I love NYC in general and I get hoot out of these women. Bethenny Frankel was one of the cast members and branched out into her own show. I was always interested in her story because she didn't have the greatest of childhoods and upbringings and managed to rise above it all and become quite a successful business woman and I love stories like that. She used the reality shows to get her name and brand out there and it worked. She is a natural foods chef and started her brand by writing Naturally Thin and help women stop the dieting craze, learn to just eat right, eat proper proportions but also not to deny yourself. That booked launched Bethenny's career. She tried many times before but never gave up. I really enjoyed reading her story in her latest book "A Place of Yes" and how she let go of the past and made a choice to not let her past define her. At a certain age alot of women would give up on having that career if it hadn't happened for them yet. Bethenny didn't give up and it didn't happen for her until later in life. It all happened for her at once too, her career exploded, she got married and had a baby girl. These are all thing she had wanted for years and they finally happened, good things come to those who wait.
She's a strong woman and I admire that about her. I definately related to her stories as a newlywed getting married later in life and that adjustment to living with someone after being single for so long, it's a whole new world!
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