I don't find myself blogging as much a. because i don't always have time to sit down and write and b. all I

would talk about is Mia so that may be boring for some. But here is our little update. Mia is 5 months old now and the time is flying by. Every parent tells you that when your baby is born but you don't really understand it until it's happening. When I was pregnant 5 months was the point when you start showing and the baby starts moving and it felt like it took forever to get there. Now my little munchkin is rolling and waving and is a little person. She is definately showing us her personality and by the looks of things she's going to be a wild one which is no surprise considering who her parents are. Her Nana and Grandpappy Melanson brought back her "jumpy" from Floriday in February. She could barely touch the ground when we got it but she loved to bounce. Now she can touch the ground and reach all the toys and she bounces so much i'm convinced she's going to launch herself right out of it.
She's a roller now and has decided that sleeping on her tummy is much more comfortable. I wasn't sure about that at first because all the doctors say now that back is best so I tried to keep her on her side, but sleeping on her belly got her back to sleeping through the night and she's strong and smart enough now to move her head if she can't breathe.
When we had the stretch of really warm days in March it was so nice to get outside for walks and dress Mia in some summer clothes. She definately likes not having socks on and she enjoys a good hat.
Mia and I spent a few days at my parents where she got to play with her cousins Cole and Isaac.
Mia and I were both sick for her first Easter. I had her nice dress all ready but we had to stay home. She will be wearing it to church for the next month to get some use out of it but we had a little fashion show at home.
Mia is the joy of our lives, I can't imagine life without her. We are having so much fun watching her grow and change, learning new things everyday. Life has definately changed. My conversations with my other mom friends are no longer about the latest episode of Grey's Anatomy but now revolve around what are the best diapers and teething. I still do manage to catch episodes of Grey's though :). She is such a happy baby all the time we are truly blessed.
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