Clint plays a grumpy old man which he does so well, Grand Torino is another of my favorites. He is a baseball scout for the Atlanta Braves with a very strained and troubled relationship with his daughter played by Amy Adams. His character is being pushed out of his job by the younger guys in the office who scout only by using stats and computer programs, never going to a game. Clint follows the players and goes to actual baseball games to scout, the good old fashioned way. Clint is also losing his sight making it harder to see the games but relies on his ability to hear the way they hit the ball, a skill the young guys back in the office don't have.
His daughter joins him on a scout trip after finding out he's having trouble with his sight to make sure he is ok, giving them a chance to repair their relationship and you see that she knows almost as much about baseball as her dad having grown up going out on scouts with him.
I loved the story between father and daughter and that you can't count and old guy out just because he's getting older. He still had more talent and knowledge than any of the other scouts and he did it because he loved the game not to just get a pay check.
Justin Timberlake is in it as well. He plays another scout who was a former player himself who was scouted by Eastwood's character.
I definitely recommend it!
We just watched this. And, although I always appreciate a little JT in a movie, I have to disagree with your recommendation. 2 hours of stereotyping - grumpy old man, workaholic woman, nice guy looking for love, jerk athlete. I give it a meh.