Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Pregnancy Review

Before pregnancy and all the baby talk I used to review new movies or the books I had just read.  My reading list has changed quite a bit with "Baby Wise" and "Baby Whisperer" on the go right now.  I'm not done yet so I can't review them but I thought I would give a review on pregnancy.

The first trimester, meaning the first 3 months, is a mixed bag of emotions.  You don't really feel pregnant yet and it can be a scary time if you are having any complications.  I had two miscarriages prior to this pregnancy so I felt like I was on pins and needles all the time just praying this one would be ok.  I started seeing my OB every month because of my history and the good thing was she did a heartbeat check every visit, probably to ease my nerves.  However before each appointment I felt completely sick to my stomach because I was so nervous we would get bad news again.  But there it was each month, a beautiful little heart beating strong.  I was blessed to avoid the morning sickness but I didn't make it past 8pm many nights so I was kind of a bummer to hang out with.

Once I hit the fourth month it was a new world!  I had a burst of energy, we were finally able to start sharing the news with everyone which brought a new excitement to being pregnant.  I phased into the maternity pants which are the best things every invented!  I started to feel baby movements for the first time which always helped ease my mind that everything was ok when I felt the little one moving.  I saw women at the doctors office who were at the end of their pregnancy who looked so uncomfortable and I was still strutting around, not waddling yet, and feeling good, that lasted until about the 8th month and then everything changed!

By month 8 I noticed a huge difference, not only in the size of my growing belly, but just in my ability to function daily.  The waddle was in full effect, my husband had to help me off the couch and give me a little push out of bed in the morning to get me moving.  Just rolling from side to side at night sleeping became an olympic sport.  As the weeks went on the swelling of the feet and ankles set in and I came home from work with full on cankles and it wasn't pretty.  I was hot all the time, even just sitting still and my biggest challenge of the day was putting my socks on.

Now I just have 2 weeks left until d-day.  I see now why women say they are just ready because you get to the point where you want your body back and be able to function normally again.  At the same time I have really enjoyed all these ups and downs of being pregnant, the good and the bad so I think I will miss it a bit.  I have loved feeling all the movement and kicks, even when it's digging into my ribs and I can't's all a miracle and a gift.  I still can't believe there is a little person in there who I love so much already but haven't even met yet.  I thank God everyday for this blessing and as we have written on the nursery wall "Every good and perfect gift is from above."

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