Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Awkward mommy run-ins

To keep my girls busy through this cold season we got to a lot of play groups locally.  It's great interaction for the girls with other kids, but it can get a little awkward when there is a disagreement between kids and all the moms are there.  I'm trying not to hover over Mia all the time and if she and another little kid are having an issue over a toy or whatever I want her to work it out.  If there is pushing etc. then yes I get involved only if she is at fault and needs to apologize.

We were at a play group and this little girl had something and put it down and moved on to something else and Mia picked it up.  The little girl was upset and went to her mommy and said that Mia took it.  I could see the mom looking at me wondering if I was going to step in.  She said very loudly "oh i'm sorry she took it (looking at me)".  The mom even asked Mia to give it back, which didn't happen.  I chose not to get involved.  I saw what happened and Mia didn't take it from her so there was no issue as far as I was concerned.  But this little girl or her mother were not letting it go and thankfully the activity ended and all the kids moved on to something else before I had to say something to the mom.

Sometimes we have to just let kids figure it out and work it out instead of directing them all the time as to what to do.  Of course we have to correct them so they learn right from wrong and believe me I do tons of that at home between my two girls.

I am pretty sure I was getting a glare from the mom the rest of the time, but to each mom their own on how they want to handle things.

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