Friday, January 2, 2015

Goals for the New Year

I've never really been one to write down resolutions or goals for the new year but I guess one of my goals for this year was to write some goals :) I even laminated them so that shows that I mean business!

I'm sure some of mine are the same as a lot of peoples.  I want to read more.  Instead of watching TV at night I want to crack out a book and read.  Fiction, bio, inspiration, whatever I'm in to at the time.

The one that is pretty intimidating for me is planting a vegetable garden.  I don't do well keeping plants and flowers alive so this could be a disaster but I'm going to try.  I want it to be a fun activity for me and my girls and something that we have to tend to regularly.  And I think it will be exciting for the girls to see something grow and we get fresh vegetables out of the deal....hopefully :)  So now my research begins so I can have some sense of knowledge on what I'm doing!


  1. PLEASE blog about your views instead of making me change the channel. you are not a pastor and should not be pretending to be one. why are there no blogs? right you figured out that no one wants to listen to you so you try to force your views by demanding free air time.

  2. To Anonymous: Please don't talk about preaching to anyone when you don't even have the decency to use a name or post a picture.

  3. Jen: I see you're hoping to plant a vegetable garden this spring. If I can help in any way I'd be delighted! Love, Aunt Joan
