Friday, February 6, 2015

Gift expectations

Having kids and their receiving of gifts is a lot more dramatic than I expected.  I have given many outfits at baby showers or as birthday presents to relatives or friends kids.  I don't expect to ever actually see the kid wearing the outfit when I'm around.  If I see them in it on Facebook or someone sends me a picture then it's a nice bonus and I appreciate the parents thinking to send it to me.  I have done the same with friends and family, texted them a picture when they are in an outfit so they can see it, and see that I didn't return it :)  But in no way do I think the should dress their child in an outfit I gave when they come to visit me or I visit them.

This logic, I have found, is not shared by everyone.  I have relatives that fully expect to see my children dressed in an outfit they have purchased for them when they see our kids.  I figured this out by the little comments here and there when they were NOT wearing an outfit they bought.  The comments sound something like "Oh I thought they would be wearing the sweaters I bough them today."....not exactly subtle.  Point taken!

1 comment:

  1. Yeah, it doesn't take a clubbing over the head to get the message! I do know that if I MADE something for a child or infant I would love a picture of the child in what I made. I ask outright for a picture and get it. Thanks Jen. Love, Aunt Joan
