Monday, August 23, 2010

What's in a name?

Well this is my first entry in the blogosphere - is that even a word?  I stressed for days on what to name this blog - Jen Melanson's Blog just sounded a bit boring.  It's a well known fact that I have a thing for purses and this is a blog about my life so it seemed like a good fit, although i have definately type casted myself now. 

I had a gross out moment this morning - one of those "what are they thinking" times.  As I'm standing in line at Wal-Mart (my favorite place) the woman behind me was literally clipping her finger nails in line.  In the same area where you reach for gum, candy bars or any other fun things they have and now her finger nails are a part of it.  It was one of those moments where I just didn't know what to do.  Do I say something, give her a look to send the message?  I don't like conflict or confrontation so I avoid that at all costs.  Luckily the person in front of me doesn't mind so she gave the look for me.  I know the line ups can be long and boring but that's what the magazines are for.  I sure hope she bought those nail clippers and just wasn't testing them out!

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