Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Keeping up with the Joneses

I watched an interesting movie over the weekend with David Duchovny and Demi Moore "The Joneses".  I'm not going to recommend the movie but the premise of it really got me thinking.  The Joneses are a fake family who are really sales people and actors place by a company in wealthy neighbourhoods.  Their job is to sell their lifestyle to the neighbours.  They have all the latest gadgets, newest cars, best clothes and beautiful home, they seem to have the perfect life to those around them.  That makes everyone around them want the same perfect life so they start buying everything the Joneses have.  The reality of trying to keep up with the Joneses is that the neighbours start going bankrupt with their new lifestyle.  So they can't really afford all the luxuries but their greed and jealousy prevail so they do whatever they can to have all the "stuff". 

After I watched the movie I started thinking about the truth behind it.  Maybe there aren't fake families out there (or maybe there are) but it's so easy to get consumed with "stuff" and material things, wanting more or wanting what the other guy has.  Look at companies like Apple who roll out new product all the time and people line up all night to be the first to have it.  We can become overpowered with that feeling of greed or want.

Imagine if we were as concerned about our salvation and relationship with God as we were about having the latest video game or iphone. 

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