Thursday, May 26, 2011

The trip that wasn't meant to be

At the end of January my husband and I booked my dream vacation to the Myan Riviera in Mexico.  I had never done the all inclusive trip before and after a couple jam packed touristy trips it was time for the relaxing vacation on the beach.  We got an amazing deal on a 5 star resort and I couldn't wait.  I had to wait until the beginning of May to go but I knew it would be well worth the wait.

At the end of February we got the exciting news that we were going to have a baby!  There was no immediate concern about going on the trip but on and off for the first few months I had some complications.  As the trip got closer my doctor recommended I not travel and cancel the trip.  This is one of those times that you obviously take your doctors advice very seriously.  We cancelled the trip and I stayed home and rested.  I threw myself a pitty party the first few days at home thinking about how I could be on a beach reading or in the pool.  This was going to be our last hoora before we start our family and travelling becomes very different.  Obviously a very selfish moment on my part forgetting the bigger picture here and God brought me quickly back to the heart of the matter.

We are over the moon about our little bundle and this was our first decision as parents to protect our child.  Surely there will be many more moments like this when we give up something for our child, that's part of being parents. 

I am so excited about this journey into motherhood and so grateful for God's blessing on our family!