Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Boy or Girl?

In a couple weeks I will have my next ultra sound, and it's the big one, we can find out if we are having a boy or a girl.  Phil and decided a long time ago that we want the surprise in the delivery room so we are going to opt out of the option at the ultra sound.  It's so funny to see people's reaction when we tell them we're NOT finding out.  I guess with the option now it's just assumed everyone would want to find out. 

Deep down of course I would like to know ahead of time.  I can plan a pink or blue room and start the babies wardrobe.  But there is something exciting about finding out in the moment of the babies birth.  I have a nice neutral plan for the room and then I can add touches of blue or pink when the time comes.  As for clothes, i'll get a few things to get me started and then i'll let the grandma's do some shopping and when the babies born.  We have a name for either already to go we just need he or she to arrive.

My mom thinks we will cave in the ultra sound room and end up finding out.  I'm the kid that opened that snooped through the house looking for my Christmas gifts, even opening them and re-wrapping when my parents weren't hope.  So she thinks there is no way I can wait for this surprise.  However i'm older and wiser now, once she said that to me now i'm determined not to give in just to prove that I can stick to my guns.  Challenge accepted mom!

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