Thursday, July 28, 2011

Breaking Tradition

I have discovered that planning to have a baby is like planning a wedding all over again.  Everyone has an opinion and you can't please everyone.  I broke a few traditions when I got married and it was controversy!  I had candy centre pieces instead of flowers - shocking!  We didn't have a wedding cake instead we did a big desser buffet with a chocolate fountain - scandelous!  We gave the first dance of the night to our parents as a tribute to them and their marriages - WHAT!  I would like to point out that I specifically didn't tell my mom we weren't having a cake to avoid the drama and do you know that she never even noticed!  That's the thing about these so called traditions, if you don't do it odds are no one's going to walk away complaining that you didn't have a cake. 
Now as I am getting closer to baby time and talks of baby showers have begun it all starts over again.  "You want to have the shower before the baby is born?  You can't do that!"  I realize that yes everyone likes to meet the baby at baby showers but my baby is due mid-November, it would be mid-December before I would probably be up for a shower and that seems unfair to guests to do something like that so close to Christmas.  I'm not going to go into hiding with the baby, everyone's going to get a chance to meet the baby when it's born. 
So i'm going to do what I did with my wedding and break tradition and have the showers before the baby....hopefully people still come! 


  1. You've got that right - everyone has an opinion, it's crazy! I'm still trying to navigate what other people say is best and what works for us. Good luck!

  2. Hi Jen:

    My advice: Do what you feel is right for you and your family, and everything will be fine. We had our kids 18 and 20 years ago, and we found that we listened to what people had to say, and then followed our own instincts. It worked out just fine, and as a result we have two fantastic kids. Enjoy every moment!
