Monday, June 8, 2015

When It's Hard to Respect Our Elders......

We have been taught since a young age to respect our elders, but sometimes it can be hard when they are clearly not respecting us.

I haven't been to the movies since I was pregnant with about 2 years now.  I managed to escape on Saturday for a movie with a friend which was awesome.  As the movie is just starting I check my phone one last time and answer a quick text to my husband who is home with our kids and couldn't find something he needed for the girls.  To be clear my phone made NO sound whatsoever I had it on vibrate.  I sent it down beside me on top of my purse.  A few seats down from me there was an older couple, probably in their 70's.  She looked at me and said (in a very rude voice) "can you turn that thing off"  I apologized because the screen was still bright, assuming that's what upset her, and flipped my phone over.  Then she made a very loud tisk sound like that was just not good enough for her.  So my movie was off to a great start and I was pretty peeved at her.  So I got her attention and I said I'm sorry but I'm not turning my phone completely off I have 2 small kids at home.  Again I got another tisk.

Sorry lady that's just how it is.  I'm not going to be unreachable when my kids are at home in case I am needed, I'm sure everyone else does the same.  I didn't use or touch my phone the rest of the movie but anytime I reached into my purse or made noise with my snacks she was giving me dirty looks.  Even when we left my friend saw her shoot me another one when we were going down the stairs.

I really had to bite my tongue with her, and I did because she was older but sometimes that doesn't seem fair that she can get away with that behavior and we hold back and use the "she's older" excuse.  However I did play the "I'm pregnant" card a lot when I was moody or hungry or didn't want to do any house work so I'll let it pass this time lady.......

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