Thursday, September 2, 2010

Are you that important?

Remember what life was like before everyone had cell phones?  It was quiet and peaceful.  People actually looked you in the eye when you were talking to them rather than checking their phone for the latest text or tweet.  Now we have become so accessible there is never a moment of peace.  Not even in the bathroom!  I use a public bathroom in our building at work and twice today when i was visiting the ladies room there were women, in the stalls, talking on their cell phones.  Now at first I was wondering if they were talking to me or to themselves but then i could hear the muffled voice on the other end of the cell phone.  Are they that important that they can't even have these couple mintues of peace and privacy?  And does the person on the other end of the call know what's going on right now?  I guess this is life in a multi-tasking world.

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