Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Choose Joy....not as easy as it sounds

A few years ago for Christmas I bought my mom a sign for her house that says "Choose Joy".  I thought it was a nice sign for her house and frankly it gets harder and harder each year to buy my mom Christmas presents.  I didn't really buy it with deep meaningful sentiments behind it (sorry mom).  However this sign has turned out to be a reference point in both of our lives over the past couple years.  I probably should have bought myself one.

Think about it - "choose joy" sounds easy but it's not.  Let's be real, when things suck you just want to be mad about it, yell, sit and sulk, eat a bag of chips - whatever works for you - and deal with it your own special way.  Then the words "choose joy".  For me that means rise above it, don't let your circumstances bring you down, choose to move on and pull yourself out of it.  Find the joy in your life, your spouse, your kids, a forgiving and full of grace God and keep smiling.

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